Price and Budget

Our price guide is available below for your information.  As much as we would like to povide a fixed price list, you would appreciate that prices can vary hugely according to the choice ​of flowers, their seasonal availability, the flowers individual costs and the time required to spend on the design.  We offer a free consultation to help with providing ideas to achieve the overall look you wish for.  We are very happy to advice on budget and how to make the very best of it. 


Booking a Consultation

Belle Flores Design is a home based business offering exceptional personal floral service to our clients, we therefore can only provide a certain number of wedding services per week.  It is advisable to book your consultation as soon as you have a set date to check the availability, especially if your wedding is in peak season.

Price Guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [334.4 KB]
Terms and Conditions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [198.8 KB]

Contact us today!

All consultations are free and entirely without pressure or obligation. Evening and weekend appointments are available

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